
BiAn: Smart Contract Source Code Obfuscation

mi1itray.axe published on
5 min, 975 words



会议:IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering


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mi1itray.axe published on
1 min, 76 words


  • SafeDrop: Detecting Memory Deallocation Bugs of Rust Programs via Static Data-flow Analysis.
  • Encapsulated Functions: Fortifying Rust's FFI in Embedded Systems.
  • Demystifying Compiler Unstable Feature Usage and Impacts in the Rust Ecosystem
  • Detecting Cross-language Memory Management Issues in Rust
  • MirChecker: Detecting Bugs in Rust Programs via Static Analysis
  • Static Deadlock Detection for Rust Programs
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mi1itray.axe published on
1 min, 76 words


  • SafeDrop: Detecting Memory Deallocation Bugs of Rust Programs via Static Data-flow Analysis.
  • Encapsulated Functions: Fortifying Rust's FFI in Embedded Systems.
  • Demystifying Compiler Unstable Feature Usage and Impacts in the Rust Ecosystem
  • Detecting Cross-language Memory Management Issues in Rust
  • MirChecker: Detecting Bugs in Rust Programs via Static Analysis
  • Static Deadlock Detection for Rust Programs
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Khaos: The Impact of Inter-procedural Code Obfuscation on Binary Diffing Techniques

mi1itray.axe published on
14 min, 2721 words

这是一篇CCFB的文章,来自中科大,文章提出了一种新的二进制混淆模式来抵抗binary diffing技术的分析。

从混淆角度,它是从IR层面切割函数并融合函数,改变了函数的调用关系。与OLLVM是不冲突的混淆,对抵抗binary diffing有很好的效果,并且也是基于LLVM框架,对混淆技术的发展是有意义的。

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